20 December 2019 09:08

Meeting held  with medical coordinators of specialized working groups of TABIB

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance held a meeting with the medical coordinators of the specialized working groups of the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB). Opening the meeting, the Agency’s Chairman of the Board, Zaur Aliyev, informed the participants of the positive results achieved by the pilot project in three regions. He spoke about the planned step-by-step implementation of mandatory health insurance in the country and the steps already taken in this direction, noting the importance of effective implementation of the tasks ahead. The Chairman of the Board stated that everyone should treat his/her work responsibly and carry out duties diligently to ensure the quality of medical services provided by medical facilities meets current requirements and that the population has access to health care services provided by professional medical personnel.

Discussing the issues on the agenda, Ramin Bayramli, the chairman of the board of TABIB, stated that “specialized working groups were set up to strengthen the management and control of medical facilities. Improving the quality and standardization of medical services provided by public medical facilities controlled by TABIB, as well as improving the capacity of medical personnel in the country are key priorities.” Then, speeches were made on the composition and activities of the working groups. The meeting continued with discussion of other issues on the agenda.

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