26 September 2022 11:15

Organization of emergency medical care is being improved

In recent years, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) has been taking continuous measures to ensure the quality, availability, and prompt provision of emergency and urgent medical care services in health facilities, as well as to improve the financial well-being of medical workers.

One of the important measures is related to improving the work of reception units in state medical facilities that provide inpatient medical services as well as emergency and urgent medical care stations. As part of these measures, emergency and urgent medical care departments are created on the basis of reception divisions, making it possible to provide comprehensive services to patients. The department, based on the successful experience of European countries in the field of emergency service, is characterized by the establishment of a triage system that handles the prioritization of medical intervention in emergency services.

Triage system – prioritization of medical intervention at the emergency care unit of health facilities

Primary examination

Under medical supervisionSurgical intervention

An admitted patient is in stable condition

An admitted patient is in relatively severe condition

An admitted patient is in critical condition

Primary medical examination is conducted

Patient is kept under medical supervision

Surgery is performed

Outpatient service is provided

Outpatient service is provided

Patient is provided with a bed for short-term treatment

Patient is discharged

Patient may be referred to the relevant division

Patient may be referred to the relevant division for long-term inpatient treatment.


It should be noted that patients can be admitted to this department by directly visiting or being taken there by the team of the Emergency and Urgent Medical Aid Station. The main goal of this innovation is to reduce the workload of inpatient and outpatient departments of hospitals and ensure the efficient use of human resources.

Another measure carried out by the Agency is related to improving the work of emergency and urgent medical aid stations that receive calls. Thus, the work of the teams of stations and units that are on duty is adjusted according to the intensity of the calls. It should be stated that, within the first seven months of 2022, state medical facilities attached to TABIB received 896,184 calls for emergency and urgent medical aid, and 513 teams were involved in the provision of medical emergency service, which is included in the Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance.

In addition, the Agency provided medical facilities with 184 ambulances in 2020 and 65 ambulances in 2021. In 2022, another 100 vehicles are expected to be purchased. It should be noted that 15 of the vehicles are intended for perinatal services and are equipped with medical equipment and incubators for providing primary, emergency, and urgent medical care to newborns. Continuous work is being carried out to improve the supply of medical equipment for vehicles currently in use.

In accordance with the gradual introduction of mandatory health insurance, starting in 2020, the Agency has decided to apply a two-fold increase to the salaries of medical and non-medical personnel working in the emergency and urgent medical care units of state medical facilities. It should be noted that, before this decision was taken, the increase was applied only to the medical and non-medical staff of emergency and urgent medical aid stations. At the same time, starting June 1, 2022, fixed incentive supplements in the amount of 250 manat have been set for doctors of emergency and urgent medical care departments and stations.


The 12th grade monthly duty (tariff) salary of an emergency medical doctor working in emergency and urgent medical care is 468 manats. A two-fold increase is applied to the monthly duty (tariff) salaries of emergency and urgent medical care doctors: 468 + 468 + 250 = 1,186 manats.

The top 10 medical facilities according to the number of calls for emergency medical care between January and July of 2022 

Baku City Urgent Medical Aid Station

Ganja City United Hospital

Sumgayit Medical Center

Absheron District Central Hispotal

Mingachevir City Central Hospital

Shirvan City Central Hospital

Agdash District Central Hospital

Barda District Central Hospital

Khachmaz District Central Hospital

Shamkir District Central Hospital


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