20 April 2022 15:06

Over two million services provided within mandatory health insurance in March

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance discloses the statistics of medical services provided within mandatory health insurance at medical entities subordinated to TABIB and contracted (private) healthcare facilities in March 2022.

In March, 646 386 persons applied to state medical entities 1 063 170 times. The number of medical services provided to population amounted to 2 397 417. 81% of medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 19% on an inpatient basis. Children and adults constituted respectively 27% and 73% of patients.

The requests to healthcare entities for medical services were primarily related to general medical examination, circulatory systems diseases, endocrine system diseases, respiratory system diseases, digestive problems, urogenital issues, musculoskeletal system diseases, diseases of the connective tissue, obstetrics and gynecology, nervous system diseases.

In March 2022, 241 517 persons applied to state medical entities in Baku 421 949 times. The number of medical services provided to population amounted to 893 084. This accounted for, respectively, 38% and 37% of the total number of registered requests and medical services across the country.

Here is the top ten healthcare entities providing the most medical services: Baku Main Health Center, Clinical Medical Center, Narimanov Medical Center, Republican Clinical Hospital named after M.A. Mirgasimov, City Clinical Hospital № 3, Scientific-Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y.Farajova, United City Hospital № 26, United City Hospital № 6 named after A.D. Malikov, Scientific-Research Institute of Cardiology named after academician J.M. Abdullayev, Scientific Surgical Center named after academician M.A. Topchubashov.

Health statistics for 63 cities and districts

In March 2022, 411 993 persons applied to state medical entities in 63 cities and districts 677 539 times. The number of medical services provided to population amounted to 1 504 333. This accounted for, respectively, 62% and 63% of the total number of registered requests and medical services across the country.

Here are the top ten healthcare entities providing the most medical services: Sumgayit Medical Center, Ganja United City Hospital, Mingachevir City Central Hospital, central hospitals of Barda, Guba, Khachmaz, Yevlakh, Absheron, Zaqatala and Shamkir districts.

In the first three months, 4445 persons received medical services within mandatory health insurance at private healthcare entities.

During January-March 2022, 4445 persons were provided with referrals to private healthcare facilities because it was not possible to deliver relevant medical services at state healthcare entities subordinated to TABIB. Children constituted 215 of them.

As a result, 1792 persons used angiography services. 1167 persons underwent cardiovascular surgeries, 703 persons have had surgeries related with ophthalmology, 231 persons – urology, 193 persons – neurology/neurosurgery, 95 persons in other areas, 60 persons – traumatology, 47 persons – general surgery, 21 persons – otolaryngology, 6 persons – gynecology and childbirth. 31 and 99 persons underwent cochlear implantation and endoprosthesis replacement surgeries respectively.

The provision of medical services by contracted healthcare facilities based on referrals and the registration of such services in the electronic register continues.

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