14 August 2019 10:22

Pilot project launched on “SMS Campaign of Maternal and Child Health”

As part of Memorandum of Understanding signed between the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) a pilot project “SMS Campaign on Maternal and Child Health” was launched in the Family Health Centre of Mingachevir city.

The aim of the project is to encourage women who are planning pregnancy to have necessary check-ups in the gestation period and inform mothers about the importance of maintaining proper diet, fetal development by trimesters, breastfeeding after childbirth, as well as to test the impact of SMS messages.

As part of this initiative 25 messages are sent to pregnant women which contain vital information, doctor’s advice for healthy lifestyle and habits during pregnancy period.

At the end of project telephone survey will be conducted among pregnant women who received the messages in order to find out the changes in their knowledge and habits.

The specialists of Republican Perinatal Centre participated in the formulating of text messages.

The leading mobile operators in the country supported this project as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility programs by assuming all costs of messaging.

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