19 June 2023 10:34

Program to recruit doctors studied abroad has been extended for another year

By the decision of the Executive Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, an amendment was made to the "Program for 2022-2023 on eliminating the shortage of qualified personnel in health facilities."

The amendment consists of two parts. According to the first change, the Program was extended until 2024. This means that state medical facilities’ recruitment of doctors educated in foreign countries will continue until 2024.

The decision will allow for the improvement of access to medical services under mandatory health insurance, as well as eliminating the shortage of staff in state health facilities subordinated to the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) and supporting the application of modern treatment methods.

The second change involves plans to establish a Monitoring Commission by the order of the Chairman of the Board of the Agency in order to evaluate the performance and working conditions of medical specialists. Monitoring is carried out by the commission for one specialist doctor on a six-month basis. Upon successful completion of monitoring, payment of incentive allowances is extended for the next one year. Medical specialists determined to be unsuccessful after the monitoring will not receive incentive allowances.

During the evaluation, the professional performance and personal qualities of the medical specialist are considered. The following indicators of professional performance are assessed for specialist doctors during the six-month period:

  • the number of operations performed by surgical doctors should not be less than 120;
  • the number of patients examined by therapeutic doctors should not be less than 2,400;
  • the number of medical imaging results interpreted by radiologist should not be less than 1,200;
  • the number of operations attended by anesthesiologist-reanimatologist should not be less than 240, etc.

According to the program, the amount of incentive allowances for medical specialists specialized in surgery and radiology are set at not less than 6,500 manats, and for medical specialists specialized in therapy and pediatry, they are not less than 5,000 manats. In accordance with the relevant Regulation, if the amount of incentive allowances calculated according to the results of the medical services provided by doctors is less than the abovementioned amounts, monthly incentive allowances of 6,500 and 5,000 manats are paid to medical specialists. For example, even if the calculated monthly incentive allowance of a general surgeon operating under the Program is 1,000 manats, he/she is paid an incentive allowance of 6,500 manats.

In accordance with the Regulation, if the amount of performance-based incentive allowance for a medical specialist exceeds 6,500 and 5,000 manats, the difference will be paid from the funds provided for this purpose in the budget of the mandatory health insurance fund.

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