29 January 2020 12:28

Recommendations from the World Health Organization, Ministry of Health, and State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance on coronavirus

Protect yourself and others from the disease
 Wash your hands
•  After coughing or sneezing
•  When caring for the sick 
•  Before, during, and after cooking
•  Before eating 
•  After toilet use
•  When hands are visibly dirty
•  After handling animals or animal waste

•  When your hands look dirty, wash them with running water and soap. If your hands are not dirty, rinse them with soap and water, or use a cleaning aid containing alcohol (disinfectant).

Protect others from getting sick: 
• When coughing or sneezing cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue
• Throw tissue into closed bin immediately after use
• Clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water after coughing or sneezing and  when caring  for the sick 

Protect yourself from getting sick:
•    Avoid unprotected contact with sick people (do not touch their eyes, nose, or mouth) and with wild or home/farm animals.
•    Follow food safety precautions
•    Use different cutlery and knives for raw meat and cooked foods
•    Wash your hands after you touch raw or cooked foods
•    Sick and dead animals should not be eaten
•    Be careful shopping at the animal markets
•    Even in burning areas, meat products will be safe and can be consumed if they are well cooked and properly prepared.

Stay healthy!
•    After touching animals or animal products, wash your hands with soap and water.
•    Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
•    Avoid contact with sick animals and spoiled meat.
•    Avoid stray animals, common waste, and liquid waste in the market.
If you are working in animal markets:
•    Wash your hands often with soap and water immediately after touching animals and animal products.
•    Disinfect the equipment and work area at least once a day.
•    Wear a protective gown, gloves, and a protective mask (face protection) when handling animals and animal products.
•    After work, remove protective clothing, rinse it, and keep it in the work place.
•    Avoid exposing family members to contaminated clothing and footwear.
To reduce the risk of coronavirus infection:
•    Wash your hands with soap and water and use a cleaning aid containing alcohol 
•    Cover your mouth and nose with your hand, your elbow, or a handkerchief while coughing or sneezing
•    Cook meat products and eggs well.
•    Avoid direct contact with live animals, whether they are wild and farm animals.

Information from the Press Service of the Ministry of Health

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