21 June 2021 10:48

SAMHI and UNFPA implement joint project to provide field services in war-affected areas

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) are implementing a joint project to provide field services for sexual and reproductive health and combating gender-based violence for the population of 8 cities and regions affected by the Second Karabakh War. The project covers Ganja and Mingachevir cities, Aghdam, Barda, Tartar, Goranboy, Goygol and Agjabadi regions.

As part of the project, mobile groups consisting of specialists from the Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology provided mobile services and training in Ganja city on June 7-9, Mingachevir city on June 9-12 and in Aghdam and Agjabadi regions on June 14-19.

The aim of the project is to conduct medical examinations for pregnant, single women, as well as for women suffering from infertility and other gynecological problems in these war-affected areas, as well as to educate them on the ways of preventing unwanted pregnancies, family planning, sanitation, and other sexual and reproductive health issues.

The project also aims to provide training on sexual and reproductive health and combating gender-based violence for doctors, midwives, and gynecologists in the Family Health Centers in these regions.

It should be noted that similar events will be held on June 21-26 in Goranboy, Tartar, Goygol and Barda regions.

As a continuation of the project, the next trips to these cities and regions are planned in August this year, which will provide mobile services.

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