02 May 2022 12:38

State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance held a press conference

On May 2, the Chairman of the Executive Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) Zaur Aliyev held a press conference on the results of 2021 and the first 3 months of 2022.

Speaking about the results achieved last year the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Agency said that one of the important health reforms was nationwide implementation of mandatory health insurance since April 1, 2021.

“In 2021, over 22 million services provided to population in the state healthcare facilities under mandatory health insurance. During that period the number of surgical services provided at private healthcare facilities contracted by the Agency reached 27305. Thus, 42% of population in the coverage regions of mandatory health insurance benefitted from medical services. Citizens underwent a medical examination and treatment, that constitute the most requested services in the Benefit Package, for diseases posing a risk of death and disability.”

The Chairman of the Executive Board spoke about activity indicators, salary increase for healthcare workers and strengthening the physical infrastructure of healthcare facilities:

“Over 717 million manats were paid to healthcare workers in 2021, it shows 18% increase compared with 2020. When it comes to supply, it should be mentioned that 5248 pieces of new devices and equipment were delivered to healthcare facilities last year, the work on the development of the ICT infrastructure has been carried out in 274 healthcare facilities.”

Z.Aliyev said that the goal of structural changes carried out in healthcare facilities by the Agency  is to improve their management and increase access to public health services:

“The reforms enabled to increase the number of Family Health Centers across the country to 278 last year.11 medical centers were established in the districts of Baku and Sumgayit Medical Center was established in Sumgayit. One of the important novelties is the commencement of the modular hospital in the city of Shusha since October 2021. Last year 1256 patients were admitted to the healthcare facility.”

The Chairman of the Executive Board spoke about the works carried out in 2022 adding that Agency has prepared a proposal for change to the Benefit Package and submitted it to the relevant institution. The draft project stipulates adding of 700 medical services to the Benefit Package and rendering over 3000 medical services in total under mandatory health insurance. New medical services include organ transplantation, cardiovascular surgery, ophthalmological and traumatological operations on a limited basis.

Moreover, it was proposed to increase the number of cochlear implantation and endoprosthesis operations, to 400 and 1200, respectively. These operations are currently limited to 300.

Z.Aliyev has also informed journalists about the changes to be made to the Rule on remuneration of healthcare workers and the proposal of the Agency to entitle healthcare workers to preferential mortgage loan.

At the end of the event, the Chairman of the Agency answered the questions of the journalists.

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