24 January 2020 16:12

Statement by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

The information shared on social networks regarding the application of mandatory health insurance for three months in each region do not reflect reality. The information disseminated causes confusion and anxiety, creating crowds in medical facilities. Please note that mandatory health insurance will be implemented in 2020 in four stages across the country. Since January 1st, 2020, the implementation of compulsory health insurance has already started in 23 regions. In addition to these regions, residents of seven cities and regions will have the compulsory health insurance services from October 1st, fifteen cities and regions from July 1st, and 21 cities and regions from April 1st.

The implementation of the system at each stage is divided into three months to prepare medical facilities and the public for the process, inform them on the benefits and importance of mandatory health insurance, and introduce new funding mechanisms to medical facilities. People with health problems (except emergency and urgent medical care) are advised to consult their family physicians first and foremost. After examination and/or treatment, the family doctor will refer the patient to a specialist if needed. In this case, it is necessary to apply to the medical facility on the referral from the family doctor.

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