25 September 2020 10:08

Temporary allowances have been paid to medical workers and volunteers of private healthcare facilities involved in the fight against COVID-19

In accordance with Resolution No. 112 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated March 25, 2020 and Order dated April 1, 2020, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) has paid temporary allowances for the month of July to 24 medical workers and 58 volunteers of private healthcare facilities, who are involved in the measures  against novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The payment was made according to their working time.

In accordance with the relevant Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, the amount of temporary allowances paid in addition to salaries of employees working in private healthcare facilities who are involved in the measures  against novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been determined in the amount of three, four and five fold of their monthly salary. Pursuant to Resolution, temporary allowances in the amount of 44 242 manats were paid for the month of July to 24 medical workers employed in private healthcare settings in proportion to their working time/hours. In addition, deductions required by law will be calculated from the total amount.

In accordance with abovementioned Order, the monthly compensation in the amount of 250 manats was paid to each of 58 volunteers,14 500 manats in total. Payroll deductions are not calculated from this amount.

In accordance with the relevant Order of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Agency paid temporary allowances in proportion to working time of medical workers employed in private healthcare facilities who are involved in the measures against novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for the following months:

  • 42 medical workers received 89 782 manats according to their working time for June
  • 43 medical workers received 105 011 manats according to their working time for May
  • 49 medical workers received 82 216 manats according to their working time for April.

A total of 321 251 manats of temporary allowances were paid to 158 medical workers according to their working time for four months.

In accordance with above mentioned Order, volunteers who are involved in the measures against novel coronavirus (COVID-19) received compensations for the following months:

  • 31 volunteers received 7750 manats for June
  • 34 volunteers received 8500 manats for May
  • 28 volunteers received 7000 manats for April  

A total of 151 volunteers received compensation in the amount of 37 750 manats for four months.

Note that legal procedures are currently underway for assigning modular hospitals to the nearby city hospitals. Upon completion of these procedures, the payment of temporary allowances and compensations for previous months will continue according to lists submitted by the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB).

Agency ensures the payment of temporary allowances and compensations within 3 working days after receiving from TABIB the lists of medical workers and volunteers employed in private healthcare facilities who are involved in measures against coronavirus pandemic.

The temporary allowances and compensations for August will be paid by Agency following the submission of lists by TABIB.


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