02 August 2023 16:00

The “1542” Call Center of the Agency handles over 94% of calls

From January to June 2023, the “1542” Call Center of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) received a total of 125,768 calls. Of these, 26,833 were related to mandatory health insurance, 7,888 were associated with disability issues, 8,547 pertained to the issuance of referrals, 1,531 were received on the coronavirus line, and 80,969 were directed to the operator contact line.

During this period, the calls addressed the following issues:

  • Examination and treatment: 52,790 inquiries;
  • Medicines and medical supplies: 9,142 inquiries;
  • Medical documents (medical certificates, death certificates, etc.): 6,188 inquiries;
  • Provision of emergency medical service: 3,061 inquiries;
  • Services for the participants of the Patriotic War: 1,631 inquiries.

It's noteworthy that the Call Center operates in both Russian and Azerbaijani languages, receiving a total of 2,269 calls in Russian during the mentioned period.

Throughout January to June, 94.81% of all incoming calls were answered, with 92.40% of calls answered within 30 seconds. This surpasses the minimum target percentages (90% and 80%, respectively) specified in the "Rules of Organizing the Operation of Call Centers in State Bodies."

Additionally, calls made during lunchtime or at night that go unanswered for any reason are not lost; operators return calls later. Citizens can also utilize the call order function on the Agency's official website (its.gov.az).

All inquiries to the call center are promptly addressed. Those requiring investigation are forwarded to relevant structural units, and applicants are informed about the results of investigations.

The Agency's Call Center provides services on five hotlines. The mandatory health insurance line (1542-1), disability issues line (1542-2), line for issuance of referrals (1542-3), coronavirus line (1542-4) operate five days a week from 09:00 until 18:00, and the operator contact line (1542-0) operates 24/7.

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