22 February 2023 12:20

The Agency calls on NGOs to actively raise awareness of mandatory health insurance among the population

The State Agency for Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan invites NGOs to participate in the 2023 Small Grant Competition. This year, projects on seven profiles are accepted in the grant competition, which included focus on the topic "Awareness-raising among the population on mandatory health insurance" related to the protection of public health.

Aynura Ahmadova, head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, invited NGOs to closely participate in raising awareness of mandatory health insurance among the public. She recommended that the NGOs that will participate in the competition organize awareness-raising events in the regions, broadcast informative video/audio in various outdoor/indoor venues, ensure delivery of educational materials, and carry out other measures in order to reach most groups of the population.

Awareness-raising on mandatory health insurance means providing information to the public on using medical services within the framework of insurance, the Benefit Package, the participation of state and private health facilities in insurance, and other relevant issues.

The maximum amount to be allocated for one project is 15,000 (fifteen thousand) manats.

Projects can last for six months and are to be completed by November 15, 2023.

Procedure rules of the competition:

Applications for the competition will be accepted electronically from February 16, 2023, to March 10, 2023, at 18:00. 

Detailed information about the competition can be found here.

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