14 September 2018 16:51

The Agency has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Central Clinic Hospital

On September 14, 2018 a memorandum of cooperation signed between the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance and the Central Clinic Hospital on establishing and expanding partnership in medical field. The memorandum was co-signed by Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the Agency and Ikhtiyar Sultanov, Director of the Central Clinic Hospital.

The Chairman of the Board noted that mutual cooperation will contribute to organize effectively healthcare institutions activities, restructure medical services in accordance with modern requirements, improve the quality of provided medical services, enhance the knowledge, skills and practical experience of healthcare professionals, build capacity on innovative treatment methods and application of medical technologies in other words increase satisfaction of population , as well as to organize workshops, conferences and trainings with the participation of local and international experts in various fields.

The Director of the Central Clinic Hospital affirmed his belief that the cooperation with the Agency would have productive results.

The memorandum which was signed between the parties envisages organization of seminars on modern medical treatments and diagnosis methods in medical field and training sessions on structuring of healthcare services, and realizations of medical interventions which require high-technology with the participation of Central Clinic and the healthcare providers under the pilot project of the Agency.

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