18 January 2023 15:30

The Agency has successfully conducted an awareness-raising campaign

In 2022, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) organized an awareness-raising campaign to inform the population about the mandatory health insurance system.

Aynura Ahmadova, the head of the Agency's Marketing and Public Relations Department said that several projects and measures were implemented within the campaign to inform the public about mandatory health insurance: “A total of 146 pieces of information were reported in order to ensure the convenient use of mandatory health insurance and inform the population about the stages of use, the Benefit Package, and the work done by the Agency. 348 programs and pieces of footage were broadcasted on various TV, radio, and internet channels on the advantages and new features of the system. 563 inquiries received from the media and 22,027 inquiries received through social media accounts were responded to.

A. Ahmadova noted that the awareness work is also carried out via social media, with a total of 4,364 posts shared via the social media accounts of the Agency.

The following advertising campaigns are considered as important awareness-raising activities:

1. 34 programs related to mandatory health insurance were broadcasted live on Real TV under the title "Health Insurance Time." The broadcasts were also livestreamed on the Agency's Facebook page.

2. The program "1 Question, 1 Answer" was broadcasted on ASAN radio, periodically presenting listeners with information about mandatory health insurance.

3. The monitors of all 25 ASAN Service and ASAN Utility centers across the country displayed informative videos on mandatory health insurance system (covering the Benefit Package, terms of using MHI, the mandatory health insurance system in private medical facilities, etc.).

Series of events:

4. 148 awareness-raising events were held with the participation of 11,104 people to inform the representatives of the public, private institutions, and educational institutions about the process of applying to health facilities under the mandatory health insurance system, the Benefit Package, the procedure of issuing referrals, family doctors, and other related topics.

5. Press conferences, media tours, and trainings were held to inform the public and improve the work carried out with media and NGO representatives.

Awareness via SMS messages:

6. Informative SMS messages were sent to 4,860,000 mobile numbers with different mobile operators in the country, providing a link to the Agency's website. Information was provided on the terms of use of medical services in public health facilities under the authority of TABIB at the expense of mandatory health insurance. In addition, the messages sent to the mobile numbers of 16,000 war veterans included information about mandatory health insurance.

Printed materials and awareness-raising efforts in state health facilities:

7. 490,000 booklets comprised of seven titles and nine different posters were produced to inform the population about mandatory health insurance and the early prevention of diseases. 16,217 promotional products with the logo of the Agency were prepared. Printed and promotional products were delivered to the public through public institutions and non-governmental organizations, state health facilities attached to TABIB, and the Medinex international exhibition. The booklets are also posted on the Agency's official website (https://its.gov.az/page).

8. A note stating "All services under the Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance are free of charge" was added to the receipts given to citizens in state health facilities.

9. Monitors located within more than 20 health facilities presented informative videos on the mandatory health insurance system. 

10. 31 advertising boards (including scrollers, billboards, and others) were produced and installed outdoors in Baku.

11. 40 information boards on mandatory health insurance have been placed in 18 metro stations.

We express our gratitude to all partners who support the Agency in awareness-raising activities on mandatory health insurance, and we hope our cooperation will be continuous.

Citizens can visit the Agency's website (https://its.gov.az/) and pages on social networks to get information about mandatory health insurance.

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