23 February 2021 16:36

The Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Agency took part in the Online B2G Forum of the Caspian Energy Club

On February 23, 2021, Nigar Bayramova, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, attended the traditional Online B2G Forum organized by the Caspian Energy Club. The forum was also attended by heads of government agencies and private companies, representatives of international organizations. The event commemorated the martyrs fallen for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan with a minute of silence.

Opening the forum, Chairman and CEO of Caspian Energy Club Telman Aliyev said the main goal of the Caspian Energy Club, an active participant in the public-private dialogue, is to improve the investment and business environment in Azerbaijan and other countries where the organization operates.

Nigar Bayramova, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Agency, said that thanks to the attention and care of the state, continuous measures are being taken to protect the public health. “The decree of the President on the introduction of mandatory health insurance in the country has also allowed the health system to develop more rapidly.” N.Bayramova informed the participants about the activities of the organization, implementation of mandatory health insurance and Benefit Package covering 2550 medical services: "The benefit package of services of mandatory health insurance includes primary health care, emergency and urgent medical care, outpatient and inpatient medical services, therapeutic treatments, as well as inpatient medication and surgeries."Afterwards N.Bayramova heard the proposals of the participants of the Online B2G Forum and answered their questions.

Telman Aliyev thanked Nigar Bayramova for the open and sincere dialogue. He advised everyone to take care of themselves during the global pandemic.
In turn, Bayramova stressed the importance of vaccination of the population envisaged in the vaccination strategy and the need to maintain social distance and use masks in order to overcome the coronavirus.

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