05 November 2020 12:54

The Japanese government has provided technical assistance to Azerbaijan in the supply of medical equipment to healthcare facilities

On November 5, 2020, the Exchange of Notes was signed on a grant provided by the Government of Japan for the supply of medical equipment under the Economic and Social Development Program of the Government of Japan. The documents were signed by Vada Junichi, Japanese Ambassador to Azerbaijan, and Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency).

The amount of the assistance grant provided by Japan to Azerbaijan is about $2 million. The purpose of the grant is to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic by providing healthcare facilities with medical equipment, and to provide necessary support to the health system.

The event was attended by Honda Shinichi, First Secretary of the Embassy, Nigar Bayramova, Deputy Chairman of the Agency, and representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Agency, and the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions.

Opening the event, Zaur Aliyev informed the participants about Armenia's military aggression against Azerbaijan, in particular the recent war crimes against civilians. He said that Azerbaijan is currently struggling on two fronts: "Along with the pandemic, our country is taking the necessary steps in response to the military provocations committed by Armenia against Azerbaijan." The Chairman of the Board of the Agency highly appreciated the support provided to our country and healthcare system by Japan: "The grant will help to improve the quality of medical services provided to the population by strengthening the material and technical base of healthcare facilities in Azerbaijan, and with the introduction of new medical technologies."

In turn, Ambassador Vada Junichi expressed hope that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan would end soon. According to the Ambassador, all countries must unite in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic: “For this reason, the Government of Japan has provided technical assistance to Azerbaijan to supply healthcare facilities with medical equipment. Through this assistance, it is planned to provide Azerbaijan with equipment such as computer tomography, portable X-rays, and portable ultrasound examination equipment.”

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