25 January 2022 11:07

The joint statement of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

Considering the multiple requests to the health authorities in recent days related with amendment to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 371 dated November 27, 2021, we state that the quarantine period of persons infected with a new strain of COVID-19 virus shortened to 7 days also applies to persons and their identified close contacts whose PCR test results became positive before January 24.

We ask our citizens to the follow the recommendations of public health authorities aimed at reducing the risk of transmission of the virus due to the genetic characteristics of mutated Omicron variant.

The results of studies show once again that vaccination is the most effective way to prevent complications that can be caused by new and rapidly spreading dangerous variants of the virus.

It should be noted that because of active participation of the population in vaccination, the epidemiological situation in Azerbaijan has remained stable.

The health authorities urge our citizens to be vaccinated with a booster dose to protect against new strain of the virus.

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