25 January 2022 14:00

The joint statement of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions

As you know, quarantine period for persons who has been tested positive for COVID-19 and their identified close contacts, has been reduced to 7 days from 14 in Azerbaijan. As of today, the number of people who have recovered from disease reached 5197 due to the change made to the quarantine period.

As of January 25, 2022, 11525 tests were performed during the day to identify new infections. As a result, 2468 new COVID-19 cases have been recorded. Deaths from COVID-19 were 13 persons.

Observations show that the number of people infected with the new strain of coronavirus continues to grow. Despite the sharp increase in the number of infections, hospitalization of people with positive test results does not develop with the same dynamics.

Thus, the number of daily hospital admissions remains stable. The main reason is that vaccinated people easily withstand exposure to the infection.

We call on our citizens to get a booster dose to increase the level of antibodies because protection of immune system declines after second dose of vaccine or 5 months after recovery from a COVID-19 infection.

Along with vaccination it is necessary to adhere to the rules of special quarantine regime.

Regardless of the variant of the virus maintaining physical distance, wearing masks, and following hygienic rules is the only way to prevent disease and return to normal routine.

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