13 January 2022 11:50

The joint statement of the Ministry of Health, State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and TABIB

The complications have not been found in people infected with the Omicron strain of the coronavirus.

 As it was reported earlier, SARS-CoV-2 21K Omicron variant was detected in 12 samples taken from people arriving from abroad.

Their current state of health is stable, and they are under observation at home. Samples taken repeatedly from 8 out of 12 people infected with the new strain were tested negative and the relevant information is available on “e-tabib” system.

Genetic variants of the virus are regularly studied to control the epidemiological situation.

It should be noted that because of active participation of the population in vaccination, the epidemiological situation in Azerbaijan has remained stable.

Considering that the level of protective immunity falls after the second dose or 6 months after recovery from the disease, health authorities urge our citizens to get vaccinated with a booster dose to raise the antibody levels to protect against the new strain.

In addition to vaccination, the rules of a special quarantine regime must be followed. Rules such as maintaining physical distance, wearing masks, and hand hygiene are the only way to prevent illness and return to normal life, regardless of the variant of virus.

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