19 January 2021 16:30

The material and technical supplies of Barda and Agdam rural health facilities have been strengthened

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) have studied the technical needs of medical facilities providing services to IDPs and the local populations of the Barda and Aghdam regions in order to improve the material and technical supplies of these facilities. As a result of the study, the necessary technical needs of 28 medical institutions included in the state health system and providing primary healthcare were identified. GIZ donated 26 titles of medical equipment, supplies, and furniture to 28 rural medical facilities providing primary healthcare.

In this regard, the handover ceremony was attended by Ruslan Abdullayev, Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Agency, and Javid Agazadeh, Officer of the Administrative Management Department, as well as Gunel Mustafayeva and Jala Alakbarova, representatives of the Economic and Social Development Program for Low-Income IDPs and the Local Population of the South Caucasus (EPIC).

Delivery of the aid to the Barda and Aghdam regions will be carried out by the Agency.

EPIC is implemented by GIZ in Azerbaijan on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The program aims to support the economic independence and involvement of vulnerable groups in community work.

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