28 February 2023 15:13

The number of private medical facilities contracted by the Agency has been increased to 115

The number of private medical facilities (medical facilities under private and relevant public institutions) contracted by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) has been increased to 115 to increase citizens' access to medical services under the Benefit Package.

It should be noted that the cities and regions where the contracted medical facilities operate include the cities of Baku, Ganja, and Sumgait and the regions of Guba, Gusar, Ismailli, Gabala, Zagatala, Kurdamir, Mingachevir, Sabirabad, Imishli, Salyan, Masalli, Lankaran, Barda, Shamkir, and Tovuz.

82% of the abovementioned medical facilities are located in the cities of Baku, Ganja, and Sumgayit, and the remaining 18% are located in the listed regions.

It should be noted that 2,550 medical services are provided to citizens under the Benefit Package of mandatory health insurance. Citizens can use these medical services in state health facilities under the public legal entity known as the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB). If it is not possible to provide any service in state health facilities under TABIB, referral is issued to private health facilities contracted by the Agency. When a citizen applies to a private medical facility with a referral form, medical services under the Benefit Package is provided free of charge.

When a citizen applies directly to a private health facility without a referral,  medical services are provided at his/her expense.

The list, addresses, and contact numbers of the private medical facilities contracted by the Agency can be found on the Agency's official website (https://its.gov.az/page). Note that the list of private medical facilities is regularly updated.

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