11 April 2020 12:42

The sequence for the implementation of mandatory health insurance in the country’s administrative-territorial divisions has been approved

By the April 10, 2020 Resolution No. 136 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the sequence for the implementation of mandatory health insurance in the country’s administrative-territorial divisions has been approved. In accordance with Article 16-4.1 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Health Insurance” mandatory health insurance is planned to be implemented in the country in 3 stages. 

In the first stage, starting January 1, 2020, mandatory health insurance will be introduced in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Mingachevir, Gusar, Khachmaz, Guba, Shabran, Siyazan, Khizi, Gobustan, Ismayilli, Agsu, Shamakhi, Balakan, Zagatala, Gakh, Sheki, Oguz, Gabala, Goychay, Ujar, Zardab, Kurdamir, Yevlakh, and Agdash.

In the second stage, starting January 1, 2021, 36 cities and towns will join, including Ganja, Naftalan, Shirvan, Gazakh, Agstafa, Tovuz, Shamkir, Gadabay, Dashkasan, Samukh, Goygol, Goranboy, Khojaly, Beylagan, Khojavend, Aghjabadi, Lachin, Barda, Fuzuli, Agdam, Tartar, Kalbajar, Astara, Lankaran, Lerik, Yardimli, Masalli, Jalilabad, Neftchala, Bilasuvar, Jabrayil, Salyan, Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad, and Hajigabul.

In the third stage, starting April 1, 2021, the populations of Baku, Sumgayit, Absheron, Khankendi, Gubadli, Zengilan, and Shusha will benefit from mandatory health insurance.

It should be stated that the implementation of mandatory health insurance in other cities and regions of the country is beginning next year due to the mobilization of the staff and material resources of a number of government agencies, including the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) and the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB), to combat the coronavirus pandemic in the country. The coronavirus situation requires that the Agency and TABIB, as well as all medical facilities and medical workers, be prepared for an unstable sanitary-epidemiological situation in the country and that they use all their efforts and power to fight the virus.

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