25 August 2022 11:30

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance continues to provide services in the single coordination centers

From January to July of 2022, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) provided services to 211 war veterans and family members of martyrs in the single coordination centers operating in the country. In accordance with the inquiries, citizens benefited from a total of 238 services. Of these services, 216 were related to health services, 18 were related to information on immunoprophylaxis, and four were related to providing information from the electronic register of medical records.

Currently, the Agency, which is one of 53 organizations represented in the single coordination centers, provides services to citizens in three directions. It should be noted that citizens are also informed about mandatory health insurance, provided with necessary assistance regarding the use of medical services covered by Benefit Package and obtaining disability status.

The first direction covers the acceptance of requests for health care services addressed to health facilities under the authority of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB). When a citizen makes an inquiry, the relevant medical facility is contacted, the inquiry is addressed to the appropriate doctor, and, if any problem arises, the relevant measures are taken or the citizen is referred to the appropriate medical facility. At the same time, citizens' questions about the Benefit Package are answered in detail and the procedure for using the mandatory health insurance system is explained.

The second direction is related to answering questions about COVID-19 infection and vaccination, as well as providing information about the national vaccination schedule.

The last direction covers the provision of information from the electronic register of medical records. When a citizen is not satisfied with the result of the examination included in the Disability subsystem by the State Medical and Social Examination and Rehabilitation Agency of the Ministry (in cases where the reason for the refusal is related to insufficient documents, inadequate treatment, and the medical facility in general), the citizen can contact the employee of the Agency's single coordination centers. The citizen's request is forwarded to the Agency, DOST Agency, or relevant medical facility, the cause of the problem is investigated, and appropriate measures are taken. At the same time, the Agency's specialists provide the necessary assistance to those who are waiting for an answer regarding disability status or who are applying to obtain the status.

It should be noted that the single coordination centers started operating on August 23, 2021, in the centers of the Sustainable and Operative Social Security Agency (DOST Agency) under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population (Ministry). According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 25, 2021, the purpose of establishing single coordination centers is to provide immediate and operative services of state institutions from a single point to family members of martyrs, military personnel injured in the war, and persons with disabilities.

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