14 December 2023 16:00

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance held a press conference

On December 14, Zaur Aliyev, the Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (the Agency), conducted a press conference highlighting the Agency's activities during the current year and its strategic goals.

Comparing the outcomes of the current year with the previous year, the Chairman of the Board noted a 30% increase in the number of services provided compared to last year. He stated, "This year, 59% of medical services were offered in the regions. From January to October, 4.5 million people received medical services under the scope of mandatory health insurance, benefiting 47% of the country's population. The most frequently performed surgical operations in state health facilities include gynecological, ophthalmological, and cardiovascular procedures, with the Clinical Medical Center ranking first among state health facilities where operations are most performed."

Z.Aliyev highlighted the expansion of mandatory health insurance in private health facilities, stating, "Last year, we signed contracts with 111 health facilities. This year, the number of contracted medical facilities has reached 152, including 42 new contracts. This expansion aims to improve service accessibility for citizens, covering not only big cities but also regions. Among these medical facilities, 80% are located in Baku, Ganja, and Sumgayit, while 20% are in the regions. Payments to contracted medical facilities totaled over 90 million manats in 2022, doubling to 211 million manats this year."

The Chairman of the Management Board discussed changes in the procedure of issuing referrals to citizens, along with medical statistics. Under the previous procedures, if a certain service was unavailable to a person in the Gakh region within a state medical facility or the Regional Medical Division (RMD) area, a referral was issued to a state medical facility in a different RMD area capable of providing the service. Under the current procedures, if a service is unavailable in a state medical facility within the Gakh region or the RMD area (e.g., Sheki), a referral is issued to a private medical facility contracted by the Agency within the same RMD area (e.g., Sheki) based on the patient's choice.

It is important to note that the key difference and advantage of the current procedures lie in providing citizens with a choice when a service is unavailable in a state hospital within the RMD area. Citizens can choose either a state medical facility outside the RMD area or a contracted private medical facility within the RMD area.

In conclusion, the Chairman of the Management Board addressed journalists' questions at the end of the event.

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