17 March 2020 17:02

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance restricts the admission of citizens

Considering that the World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus infection a global pandemic and that organization recommends closing places where crowds gather, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic has decided to take a number of urgent measures to prevent the spread of the infection in our country. As a result, public and private enterprises, as well as citizens, are required to strictly follow special rules.
To enforce the urgent and binding decisions made by the Cabinet of Ministers, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance has been restricting the admission of citizens since March 17.

During this period, all inquiries under the competence of the Agency, as well as inquiries related to coronavirus infection, will be received by the Call Center of the Agency (1542) or the 012 310-07-70 telephone number. The Call Center's coronavirus line (1542-0) is active 24/7, while other lines operate on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00. 

Written applications will be accepted only through electronic form sent via the Agency's e-mail address info@its.gov.az and on the "Electronic Application" section of the official website https://its.gov.az/. Any proposal or demand from a citizen must be clearly stated in the application. After the subject of the application is identified, the citizen will be referred to the relevant structural unit or medical facility.

It should be stated that, according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, a number of organizations, including the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance will work during non-working days on the Novruz holiday in order to take prevention measures against the coronavirus infection.

Considering the coronavirus infection has been declared a global pandemic and the rapid spread of the virus, we call on our citizens to adhere to the requirements and recommendations of the operational headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic and the World Health Organization.

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