24 February 2020 12:05

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance’s e-service has been integrated into the MyGov portal

A new system has been integrated into the MyGov e-government portal, which simplifies the site for citizens by providing proactive, transparent, and efficient services, while saving resources. In January 2020, the electronic service of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (the Agency), known as the "Medical Cabinet of the Insured,” was integrated into the "MyGov" portal.

Citizens will now be able to follow the services provided to them by medical facilities under mandatory health insurance by accessing the Medical Cabinet of the Insured on the portal “MyGov." To do this, a citizen registered on the MyGov portal must log in to his/her profile and select the "By Institutions" section in the window that opens. Then, he/she will enter the name of the Agency and select the service” Medical Cabinet of the Insured.” On the page that opens, he/she will go to the field "Go to the service page" and view his/her appeals to medical facilities, results of medical services and laboratory tests, diagnoses, and medical history. Also, through the service "Medical Cabinet of the Insured,” the citizen will find information about the medical services included in the Benefit Package, the status of the insured, and the amount of debt on mandatory health insurance. Currently, work is underway to improve the usage and efficiency of the cabinet.

The MyGov portal, which is managed by the E-Government Development Center of the State Agency for Citizen Services and Social Innovations subordinated to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, includes the followings integrated systems: eAgro, eSatınalma (electronic procurements), “Electronic Application System of the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan,” “ASAN payment,” “eSocial,” and “e-Auction.” In addition to the services of these integrated systems, 27 public services and 17 notification services are provided to citizens through the platform.

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