05 February 2020 10:57

The statement of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan and State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

Currently there are 7 persons at the Infectious Diseases Division of Clinical Medical Center.

Azerbaijani citizen (1992 birthdate) studying in Beijing and his wife (1993 birthdate). They have no complaints. Both of them have been examined by doctors.
Azerbaijani citizen (1998 birthdate) studying in Jinhua, China. His body temperature is normal and has no complaints. Test samples have been taken and he will be examined.

Azerbaijani citizen (1998 birthdate) studying in Jinhua, China. His body temperature is normal and has no complaints. 
Azerbaijani citizen (1997 birthdate) studying in Shandong, China. He has no complaints and has not been in contact with infected persons.
Azerbaijani citizen (1997 birthdate) studying in Ziyang, China is normal. He has no complaints and will be examined by doctors. 

Azerbaijani citizen (1994 birthdate) studying in Beijing. His body temperature is normal. He was examined by doctors. Currently he has no health problems. 
Above mentioned people arrived in Azerbaijan with transit flights via Istanbul, Dubai and Moscow. No health problems were detected among people placed in specially designated healthcare facilities. They will be discharged upon the end of quarantine period.


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