13 February 2020 10:29

The statement of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan and State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

One person was placed at the Infectious Diseases Division of Clinical Medical Center on February 12, at 17:30 pm. The person placed at the hospital is Azerbaijani citizen (1993 birthdate) studying in Beijing, China. On February 12 he arrived in Baku from Beijing transiting Abu-Dhabi. At the time of entering Heydar Aliyev airport his body temperature was slightly above norm. Now his body temperature is normal, he has no serious health problems. He is under observation of doctors.

As we informed earlier, the people arriving from hotspots of coronavirus disease are kept in specially designated healthcare facility. Some of them were discharged after completing the quarantine period. No problems were found in the health of those persons currently stayed at the hospital. They will be also discharged at the end of quarantine period. 

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