24 February 2020 14:55

The statement of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan and State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance UPDATED

As we have informed earlier two persons have been placed for medical observation at the Infectious Diseases Division of the Clinical Medical Center. The body temperature of both persons is normal. They are under medical observation and have no complaints. Two more persons who arrived in Astara, Azerbaijan from Iran were placed in the specially designated healthcare facility. They are residents of Khachmaz (1983 birthdate) and Guba (1981 birthdate) districts. They both arrived from the region of Iran where disease has not been registered. They were not in contact with infected persons. Their temperature was slightly higher at the time of arrival. That’s why they were placed under medical observation in a specially designated healthcare facility. The body temperature of both persons is normal. They experience no health problems. Observations of doctors will continue.

The Ministry of Health urges citizens to take a sensitive approach to the issue and not to rely on false information on social media seeking to provoke artificial excitement.

Two persons were placed at the Infectious Diseases Division of Clinical Medical Center on February 24. They are citizens of (1995 birthdate) Azerbaijan and Iran (1998 birthdate). The individuals placed in the hospital arrived from the region of Iran where disease has not been registered. They have not been in contact with infected people. Their temperature was slightly higher at the time of entering the country. The body temperature of both persons is normal, and they experience no health problems. Observations of doctors will continue.

The information spread on social media networks alleging people infected with coronavirus have been placed in central district hospitals of Jalilabad and Lankaran is not true. The necessary measures were taken at the healthcare facilities located of border regions in Bilasuvar, Lankaran, Masalli, Jalilabad, Astara.
Infectious departments and boxes (hospital room non-connected with other departments) of mentioned central district hospitals have been put up in readiness. The emergency medical service is in fully equipped condition on the border of Bilasuvar and Astara districts. As well as medical stations on border are working in enhanced mode.

No coronavirus cases registered in Azerbaijan. It was also reported on the official internet page of World Health Organization (WHO). The information about countries with infection cases can be found on the official website and social media pages of WHO. 

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