22 September 2021 10:18

The training was held on "Anti-corruption measures and rules of ethical conduct"

In July and September of 2021, the training on "Corruption offenses and anti-corruption measures ", and "Rules of Ethical Conduct" was held for employees of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) and medical facilities under its supervision.

The training was conducted within the framework of the Civil Society Project for Transparency (ECSOFT), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the organization FHI 360 (USA) in cooperation with MG Consulting and the Azerbaijan Open Government Platform. The trainers were Alimammad Nuriyev, coordinator of the Open Government National Platform, and Zaur Ibrahimov, chairman of the Public Union "Priority" Center for Social and Economic Research.

A total of 111 people from the Agency, TABIB, the Republican Clinical Hospital named after Academician M. A. Mirgasimov, the Clinical Medical Center and City Clinical Hospital No. 3 participated in the training.

Presentations on the "Rules of Ethical Conduct" and "Corruption offenses and liability for these offences" were demonstrated at the training. The trainees were provided with information on the rules of ethical conduct of doctors, the purpose of the principles and values ​​related to the ethics of civil service, the liabilities in the case of violation of ethical conduct, the subjects of corruption offenses, consideration of appeals on corruption offenses and so forth.

Specific cases of ethical conduct and corruption offenses were analyzed and settled with the trainees. Certificates were presented to the participants.

It should be noted that the training was organized as part of the implementation of the "National Action Plan for the Promotion of Open Government for the years 2020-2022" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1859, dated February 27, 2020.


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