17 December 2018 16:12

The winners of writing competitions have been awarded

The award ceremony of winners of the writing competition was held on December 17, 2018 on the topic “The role of the mandatory medical insurance in safeguarding the public health” funded by European Union and implemented by the State Agency on the Mandatory Health Insurance as part of the Twinning project “Support to implementation of the mandatory health insurance system in Azerbaijan”.

The purpose of the competition was to raise public awareness about mandatory health insurance and medical services covered by insurance, to get aquatinted with public opinion, to analyze the alternative sustainable financial sources for introduction of mandatory health insurance in Azerbaijan and find out international expertise in this sphere.

The event was attended by Resident Twinning Adviser, head of departments of the Agency and journalists who won the competition.

The head of Marketing and Public Relations department Aynura Ahmadova addressing the event participants thanked the journalists for participating in the competition and the representatives of Twinning project for their support. The head of department noted that 29 articles submitted to the writing competition were assessed by seven experts of the Agency and Twinning project.

Gediminas Cerniauskas, the Resident Twinning Adviser said that strengthening the role of civil society and the involvement of media representatives in the process of successful implementation of socio-economic reforms are of great importance:

“The competition we jointly organized with the Agency is a great initiative in terms of closer co-operation with journalists."

The head of Monitoring, Analysis and Actuary department Araz Nasirov said the activity of the Agency is always in the media spotlight: “The media plays huge role in giving comprehensive and objective information to the public about the achievements made as a result of introduction of mandatory health insurance. We successfully cooperated with media while implementing the pilot project.”

The Head of the Medical Insurance Department Vugar Gurbanov said that the protection the population's health is an integral part of state's social policy:

"The Agency works towards increasing the quality and effectiveness of medical services in order to provide universal mandatory health insurance and ensure protection of public health. Such events are important to expand the cooperation with media.”

Ilhama Isabalayeva won the first place, while Zarina Orujaliyeva and Ruhiyya Huseynova won the second and third places respectively.

The stimulating awards have been presented to the following persons:

1. Ruslan Khalilov

2.Gashqay Ramazanov

3.Javid Shahverdiyev

4.Ramina Agayeva

5.Zulfiyya Guluyeva

6.Nurlana Guliyeva

7.Aynura Hagverdiyeva

8.Aida Guliyeva

9.Göyçək Mahmudlu

10.Gulshən Gasımova

It was also made an open call for social video submissions on the topic of “What will mandatory health care insurance change in my life?” or “What is mandatory health insurance?”. Only three videos have been submitted for competition, as they did not meet the relevant requirements, the assessment of videos has not been held.

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