06 December 2019 16:06

Training on "Non-infectious Disease Management" for health workers completed

SIYAZAN, December 6, 2019 - Training has been completed today for 65 doctors and nursing staff of medical facilities in Sumgait city and Siyazan region, jointly organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health and the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance.The main goal of the four-day training course on “Non-infectious Disease Management” was to improve the knowledge and skills of medical professionals when it comes to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of non-infectious diseases, especially hypertension and diabetes. One of the main objectives of the training was to improve their ability to use the medical tools necessary to control non-infectious diseases.

The training was conducted by experts from the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after Aziz Aliyev Azerbaijan Medical University, and invited experts from the Republic of Turkey.
The participants were informed on how to manage non-infectious diseases at the primary healthcare level. The WHO provided stethoscopes, tonometers, and glucometers for the participants. The training is one of the key components of the WHO's primary healthcare project. Primary healthcare is a strategy that has been widely used in international practice and proven to be effective at maximizing the costs of healthcare. Primary healthcare, which plays a major role in protecting the health of the population, is an important area that contributes to the development of compulsory health insurance.


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