02 June 2023 12:00

Uzbekistan has studied our country’s experience with mandatory health insurance

The delegation led by Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), visited the Republic of Uzbekistan from May 29 to June 2.

The aim of the visit was to establish stable cooperation with the State Health Insurance Fund (Fund) of Uzbekistan and to exchange experience in the field of mandatory health insurance.

In the meeting held between Zaur Aliyev, Amrillo Inoyatov, Minister of Health of Uzbekistan, and Farrukh Sharipov, Executive Director of the Fund, the reinforcement of inter-institutional relations and future cooperation were discussed.

A. Inoyatov said that the strategic partnership between our countries is developing every year and that mutual visits of the heads of state contribute to the deepening of these relations.

F. Sharipov emphasized that the experience of the reforms implemented by Azerbaijan in the field of healthcare is very interesting for them: "Your visit is a logical continuation of the development of strategic relations between our countries in both the economic and social spheres. The operation and organizational structure of the health facility you lead has become an example for the organization of our Foundation's operation. I am sure that the exchange of experience will allow us to increase the efficiency of our activities, to finance healthcare, and to digitalize business processes."

On behalf of the delegation, Zaur Aliyev thanked his Uzbek counterpart for the hospitality shown. Later, he gave extensive information about the Agency's activities and mandatory health insurance introduced in our country:

“Protecting the health of the population and improving the quality of medical services are among the priorities of the state policy. Our goal is to provide universal health insurance that guarantees the provision of quality medical services to the population. We are happy to be able to share our experience with you because the process of introducing innovations always has involved difficulties that must be solved together. Based on our experience, we will be happy to cooperate with our colleagues in Uzbekistan."

Then, representatives of both organizations made presentations on mandatory health insurance. The employees of the Agency provided information about the medical services within and beyond of the scope of the Benefit Package, the financial sources of the mandatory health insurance fund and the main expenses, the management of medical claims, the procedure for issuing referrals, and the digitalization of health facilities. 

The delegation also became familiar with the process of introducing mandatory health insurance in state health facilities operating in Tashkent, Syr Darya, and Gulistan.


Note: The introduction of mandatory health insurance in Uzbekistan is carried out in three stages. As a pilot project, mandatory health insurance was introduced in the Syr Darya province in 2021. From July 1 of this year, mandatory health insurance will be introduced in the Autonomous Republic of Garagalpagstan in Uzbekistan, the city of Tashkent, and in the provinces of Samarkand, Navai, Surkhandarya, and Fergana. Nationwide implementation of mandatory health insurance in Uzbekistan is set for 2025.

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