28 April 2020 15:16

Video conference held with health facilities to discuss COVID-19 situation

Under the circumstances of quarantine activities and restriction of movement in the Republic of Azerbaijan due to COVID-19 pandemic, virtual meetings and consultations with health facilities allocated to fight against coronavirus held through video conferencing.

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan has installed Cisco Webex Video Platform for video conferencing at several health facilities.

The purpose of the system is to discuss the current situation on coronavirus and to exchange experience on the treatment of seriously ill COVID-19 patients with representatives of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions and chief doctors of hospitals

Currently the video conferencing system is available at Central Oilmen Hospital, New Clinic, Educational - Therapeutic and  Educational - Surgical clinics of Azerbaijan Medical University,  City Clinical Hospital No 2 named after M.A.Afandiyev, United City Hospital No 17, Sumgayit City Hospital No. 1, Central Hospitals of Guba, Balakan, Sheki , Gobustan, Aghdash, Goranboy, Shamkir, Gazakh, Aghjabadi, Sabirabad, Imishli, Astara, Masalli, Lankaran, Lerik, Yardimli, Jalilabad, Salyan, Neftchala, Saatli, Shirvan and Jabrayil districts, City Hospital No. 1 named after Abbas Sahhat and Lankaran Medical Diagnostic Center.

Work is underway to set up the system in other regional central hospitals and diagnostic centers of the country.

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