10 July 2023 09:35

Winners of the project for raising awareness of mandatory health insurance have been announced

Five non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have won the 2023 small grant competition held by the State Support Agency for non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan as part of the project known as "Awareness-raising among the population on mandatory health insurance." The winning NGOs are the following public associations: (1) Pediatric Cardiology and Rheumatology, (2) Social Assistance to People with Hearing and Speech Disorders, (3) Support for Social Protection and Integration of People with Disabilities, (4) The Optimist Support for Settlement of Social Problems, and (5) Support for Social Economic Development of Regions.

The projects mainly cover the work done to educate the population on mandatory health insurance in the regions. As part of the awareness-raising measures, the population will be informed on the procedure of using medical services covered by mandatory health insurance, the Benefit Package, how to benefit from insurance at public and private medical facilities, the issue of referrals, and more.

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) congratulates every public association that has won and wishes them success in the implementation of their projects. The Agency is willing to cooperate with each public association to ensure the accuracy of information communicated to the population, in turn ensuring successful results. There are plans to provide public associations with a presentation on mandatory health insurance, as well as the necessary information, print materials, and videos to increase the effectiveness of the measures to be held. At the same time, support will be provided for sharing the information on the activities of NGOs in this field on the official website of the Agency and social media platforms.

We thank the winners who supported the Agency in raising awareness of mandatory health insurance, and we hope our cooperation will continue.

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