03 February 2023 15:40

With the support of the Agency, cardiovascular surgery will be carried out for the first time in the regional central hospital of TABIB

With the support of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), Departments of Invasive Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery have been established in Lankaran Regional Central Hospital in line with modern medical standards.

On February 3, 2023, Taleh Garashov, the head of the Executive Authority of the Lankaran region, Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Agency's Board of Directors, and Vugar Gurbanov, Executive Director of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABİB), participated in the opening ceremony of the new departments.

Before the opening, Taleh Garashov, Zaur Aliyev, Vugar Gurbanov, and representatives of the institutions visited the monument of the national leader Heydar Aliyev in Lankaran. Bunches of flowers were placed in front of the monument, and the memory of the Great Leader was honored.

Aghabala Kalbiyev, Director of Lankaran Regional Central Hospital, provided information about the works carried out after the introduction of mandatory health insurance at the hospital. The director said that these achievements were possible due to a number of structural changes implemented at the hospital. "In 2022, the Lankaran Regional Treatment & Diagnostic Center was merged into the hospital. A number of departments have been established to ensure the accessibility of medical services for the population, the most important of which are the Departments of Invasive Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, which are currently being put into operation."

According to the Director, the Invasive Cardiology department is equipped with new and state-of-the-art medical equipment:

"The department has one surgery room, one technical room, a six-bed resuscitation room, sterilization, and other auxiliary areas. The surgery room and the resuscitation room are equipped with modern ventilation and heating systems. The department has the latest diagnostic equipment, including an equipment for digital subtraction angiography, mechanical ventilator, defibrillator, and cardiac ultrasound scanners, which allow complete and accurate diagnosis of cardiac patients."

The Director noted that the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery has 19 wards, two operating blocks, and an intensive care unit for six people.

Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the Agency, said that the new departments will play an important role in providing the people with prompt and quality medical services:

"Making medical services accessible to everyone is one of the main goals of the Agency. For this reason, the Agency has prioritized measures to improve human capacity and supply base in hospitals. It is no coincidence that these departments being opened today are also established with the support of the Agency. Until today, cardiovascular surgery has not been performed in regional central hospitals subordinated to TABIB. For the first time, these operations will be performed in Lankaran Regional Central Hospital. Providing residents of the southern region with high-cost cardiovascular surgery operations in the regional hospital under mandatory health insurance will allow the prevention of their health problems in a timely manner. I would like to note that, during the years 2021 and 2022, the number of cardiovascular operations and procedures performed under mandatory health insurance exceeded 36,000."

According to Vugar Gurbanov, Executive Director of TABIB, patients at Lankaran Regional Central Hospital were previously referred to contracted health facilities for cardiovascular surgery.

"From now on, it will be possible to carry out treatment of cardiovascular diseases – for instance, coronary artery bypass surgery and surgery for congenital heart defects – in these departments of the hospital. I would like to note that services will be provided to the citizens by qualified cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons with working experience in Turkey, Italy, Georgia, and other foreign countries, as well as others who have completed advanced training courses and worked in various private medical facilities in our capital. This will allow us to provide medical services for the protection of public health in state health facilities and to improve the quality of medical services."

Then, the participants became familiar with the general conditions of the hospital.

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