20 August 2019 10:11

Work is underway on establishment of IT infrastructure at state healthcare facilities for implementation of mandatory health insurance

Due to implementation of mandatory health insurance on January 1, 2020 in the country, work is being carried out to set up Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at healthcare facilities that will be placed under the supervision of Management Union of Medical Territorial Units (TABİB).

The aim of the given activity is to establish mandatory health insurance database using the potential of ICT and application of corresponding software program at healthcare facilities. The mentioned activities are carried out in accordance with the Presidential Decree № 418 of 20 December 2018 “On a number of measures to ensure implementation of mandatory health insurance in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The software system will allow online registration of patients at hospitals, determine their insurance status as well as enter information about the departments visited by patients, doctors who treated the patients, assigned examination and treatment (outpatient and inpatient). The software solution will also make it possible to get test and lab results online.

As of today, 21 healthcare facilities have been equipped with 617 units of computer equipment, network wiring have been installed at 25 healthcare facilities. Currently fiber optic cabling of healthcare facilities is in progress.

The employees of Information Technology and Innovation Office of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance on July started to conduct workshops on use of hospital management software system.

As of today, workshops have been held for registration department employees of 48 healthcare facilities in Baku and Sumgayit cities, as well as healthcare facilities employees in 22 regions.

The expenses related with electronification of healthcare facilities and training of relevant employees were covered by the funds allocated to Agency for this purpose. According to the workplan, establishment of ICT infrastructure and trainings will continue till the end of the year.

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