23 November 2023 16:45

Zaur Aliyev received residents in Guba

Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, held a reception for residents from Guba and Gusar regions at the Regional Central Hospital of Guba on November 23.

Prior to the meeting, Zaur Aliyev paid a visit to the monument of the national leader Heydar Aliyev in Guba city, where floral tributes were laid, and the memory of the Great Leader was respectfully honored.

During the meeting, which was attended by Vugar Gurbanov, the Executive Director of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB), the Director of the Regional Central Hospital of Guba, and the Chief Doctor of the Regional Central Hospital of Gusar, the requests of 17 citizens were addressed. These requests primarily concerned examinations and treatments, medical services covered by mandatory health insurance, disability issues, and work-related matters. The requests were thoroughly examined, and several issues were efficiently resolved. To address other requests in accordance with the legislation, relevant instructions were provided.

Following the meeting, Z. Aliyev inspected the facilities at the Regional Central Hospital of Guba.

Subsequently, the guests paid a visit to the monument within the hospital grounds dedicated to the memory of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. They also met with family members of the martyrs who are employed at the hospital.

It is worth noting that the meeting adhered to the "Schedule of Citizen Reception in Cities and Regions by Heads of Central Executive Authorities and Other Administrative Institutions in November 2023," in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. This local citizen reception aims to efficiently review applications in the regions, make optimal decisions for resolving issues described in the applications, and enhance overall citizen satisfaction.

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