+ 5 236 391
Number of patients
+ 24 101 040
Number of visits
+ 83 656 458
Number of provided services
The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (hereinafter-Agency) is a public legal entity that implements mandatory health Insurance through accumulating revenues to finance medical services within benefit package and acting as purchaser of these services.
The Agency started functioning on 15 February 2016 as State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In accordance with the Decree № 1125 dated 24 November 2016 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, public legal entity “State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance” was established on the basis of Agency which held legal status of body of executive power. The Charter of the Agency was approved with Decree № 1592 dated 6 September 2017 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The Agency goals are the following:
The Agency operates in the following directions:
The Agency values cooperation with various organizations to study international health experience, exchange knowledge, implement joint projects, and achieve other goals. Through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, projects related to mandatory health insurance, enhancement of medical institutions` capabilities, acquisition of international experience by medical workers, and other objectives have been implemented.