12 February 2021 10:31

1542 Call Center of the Agency received 133,574 calls last year

During March-December 2020, the Call Center of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) received a total of 133,574 calls (enquiries). The call center received 73,828 calls on the coronavirus epidemic, 11,488 on the mandatory health insurance and other issues, 3,837 on the psychological support, 13,039 on the outpatient support, and 31,382 on the COVID-19 test results and serological tests.

Most of the enquiries received on the coronavirus epidemic were related to examination and treatment (18725), period of self-isolation (13149) and suspected coronavirus cases (10572).
1,144 of the calls received on the line operating for mandatory health insurance and other issues, were related to disability problems, 3,663 on drug supply, and 6,681 on social issues.
     The enquiries received by the psychological support line are grouped as follows:
• Psychological support for the public and medical staff - 2150 inquiries
• Psychological support for COVID-19 patients - 694 enquiries
• Psychological support for war victims and servicemen - 223 enquiries
The majority of calls to the support line for outpatient services were related to medical examination and treatment (4657). 

All enquiries received by the call center were promptly answered, problems requiring investigation were referred to the relevant structural units, and callers were informed about the results of the investigation.

It should be noted that the Call Center, launched by the Agency in March 2020, provides services on five lines. The call center line for coronavirus pandemic (1542-0) operates 7 days 24 hours a day, the line for mandatory health insurance and other questions (1542-1) operates on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00, the psychological support line (1542-2), the support line for outpatient services (1542-3), COVID-19 test results and serological test line (1542-4) operate from 08:00 to 22:00 on weekdays, from 09:00 to 21:00 on weekends. The vaccination line (1542-5) operates from 08:00 to 22:00 on weekdays. It should be noted that the vaccination line was launched in early 2021.

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