26 July 2023 10:00

171 awareness-raising events related to mandatory health insurance were held

The measures provided for in the Communication Strategy of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) to increase the awareness of the population on mandatory health insurance system have been successfully implemented.

According to Aynura Ahmadova, the head of the Marketing and Public Relations Department of the Agency, several projects and measures have been implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Strategy to cover the issues of concern for citizens related to insurance and to ensure that they benefit from medical services within the scope of insurance: “Awareness-raising events were conducted in public and non-governmental organizations, secondary and higher educational institutions, and religious communities. In total, about 13,000 people were informed about mandatory health insurance at 171 events."  

To expand the scope of awareness-raising activities, a meeting was held with the heads of Agency branches in the regions. The relevant representatives of the Agency and the heads of the branches discussed the issues of interest to the citizens in relation to mandatory health insurance. Methods and tools for increasing the effectiveness of the events held in the regions and for ensuring proper awareness-raising among the population on insurance were analyzed by the heads of branches.

Meetings were held with members of the religious community to inform the wider population and ensure that citizens in religious communities benefit from the services of mandatory health insurance. In the events organized with the support of the State Committee for Affairs with Religious Institutions, representatives of religious communities were comprehensively informed about the advantages of mandatory health insurance.

In addition, members of civil society were once again involved in awareness-raising activities. Five non-governmental organizations became the winners of the small grant competition announced by the Agency for the State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations this year. NGOs will educate the population on mandatory health insurance in the regions.

As for other measures, a Wikipedia page on the Agency's activities has been created in two languages. Posts related to mandatory health insurance – 78 information posts and 66 infographic posts – were shared. In the framework of cooperation with ASAN radio, information on mandatory health insurance was provided to the radio listeners in the section "Questions and answers." Twenty-one live programs titled "Health Insurance Time" were broadcast on Real TV and Facebook page of the Agency. Of the 176 inquiries received from the media, 95% were answered, and the others were forwarded accordingly. 4,438 inquiries sent by social network users of the Agency were completely answered.

It should be noted that, according to the Strategy, planned awareness-raising measures are being continued.

Organizations that wish their employees get informed about mandatory health insurance may write to marketing@its.gov.az for information sessions.

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