06 May 2024 17:59

The Agency to cooperate with Uzbekistan’s State Medical Insurance Fund

A Memorandum of Cooperation and Interaction has been signed between the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (the Agency) and the State Medical Insurance Fund (the Fund) of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The memorandum was signed by Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the Agency, and Zoxid Ermatov, Executive Officer of the Fund.

The memorandum addresses the establishment of partnership relations and the promotion of effective cooperation between the two institutions. As part of this agreement, the parties intend to implement joint measures aimed at enhancing the mandatory health insurance system.

According to the document, both parties agreed to exchange experiences in areas such as monitoring the quality of medical care, preferential drug provision, financial mechanisms, information technologies, and other activities related to mandatory health insurance. The memorandum also includes plans to work on matters of mutual interest and carry out various joint initiatives.

It should be noted that mandatory health insurance is being introduced gradually in several regions of Uzbekistan. The nationwide implementation of mandatory health insurance is planned for 2025.

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