02 May 2019 11:16

An event held on “The role of entrepreneurs (employers) in the mandatory health insurance system: be insured and insure”

On May 2, 2019 at the initiative of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan event was held on the topic of “The role of entrepreneurs (employers) in the mandatory health insurance: be insured and insure”.

The aim of the meeting was to inform the entrepreneurs about mandatory health insurance system, new financing mechanisms of health facilities, rights and obligations of insured persons and insurers as part of mandatory health insurance.

The acting Secretary General of Confederation Kristina Mammadova spoke about the importance of mandatory health insurance and its implementation across the country. She said in 2020 mandatory health insurance will be implemented in Azerbaijan and this topic is at the focus of attention of entrepreneurs: “It is positive occurrence to inform entrepreneurs about the Law “On health insurance”. K.Mammadova said in recognition of relevance of this topic the Confederation will continue to organize similar meetings in the future.

Vugar Gurbanov, the head of medical claims department of the Agency informed participants about the essence and aims of mandatory health insurance, the contribution of implementation of this system to the development of health care, quality standards of benefit package and health care services.

He said in order to prepare for mandatory health insurance there is a need to improve the registration system and apply information technologies at health facilities, re-organize the primary health services.

The head of statistical division of strategic analysis department of Agency Tural Gulu made a presentation about new financing rules to be applied at health facilities, different models of mandatory health insurance, universal health coverage, mandatory health insurance fee, existing health care systems in Azerbaijan and other countries. He informed that the mandatory health insurance fee for employees has been fixed at 2% which will be deducted from their salaries, while for other citizens insurance fee will be 120 manat per year. Tural Gulu also spoke about the category of population that will be exempt from paying insurance fees.

Tural Musayev, the coordinator of division on analysis of legal acts and contracts of Legal department, informed participants about how mandatory health insurance contracts will be signed with entrepreneurs, described the rights and obligations of insured persons and insurers.

At the end of the event the employees of the Agency answered the questions of participants.

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