04 March 2021 16:22

An online training course held on the costing tool of medical services

On March 3-4, 2021, an online training course on the medical services costing tool was conducted for the staff of the Finance, Strategic Analysis and Medical Complaints Departments of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency). The training was organised at the initiative of the Agency and with the support of the United Nations’ Children's Fund (UNICEF).

The purpose of the training was to improve the skills and knowledge of the staff of the structural units of the Agency in the relevant fields for the medical services costing. The trainees will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in the effective planning of medical services in the future. The training was conducted by Afeef Mahmood, an international consultant on healthcare planning and financing. Speaking about the aspects that are important in the costing of medical services, the consultant informed the trainees about the established international principles in this field. He mentioned that two components are taken into consideration in costing of medical services in international practice: direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include the salaries of medical staff providing services, the cost of medication used in treatments, and the cost of medical supplies and examinations. Indirect costs include the resources for utilities, repairs and maintenance and other expenses.

Afeef Mahmood presented a report on the costing of maternal and child health services under mandatory health insurance. This included antenatal, perinatal, and obstetric, and postpartum services covered by the Benefit Package in the administrative territories of Mingachevir and Yevlakh cities.

The method of costing of maternal and child health services was presented to the trainees using practical tasks and activities.

It should be noted that UNICEF plans to supply continuous technical assistance during the years of 2021 and 2022 to support the implementation of mandatory health insurance in Azerbaijan.

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