05 August 2019 16:07

Awareness-raising event about mandatory health insurance held in Balakan district

The next informative event as part of awareness-raising activities on the topic of “Implementation of the mandatory health insurance system in the country" was held in Balakan district on August 5, 2019.

The purpose of the event, organized by Balakan District Executive Power and State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) was to inform the public about the mandatory health insurance system, the benefits of the system and preparation works carried out to apply mandatory health insurance throughout the country.

The employees of the Agency informed participants about the purpose of mandatory health insurance, benefits of the system for population, healthcare services to be delivered within service package and mandatory health insurance premiums. Mehpara Aliyeva - deputy head of the Balakan District Executive Power, Dilbar Guliyeva – the Chief Medical Officer (Hospital Manager/Director) of the Central Hospital of Balakan District, Elvin Abbasov and Parvin Bakhshaliyeva - responsible representatives of the Agency delivered a speech at the event Mehpara Aliyeva said that today one of the most important areas of health care reforms carried out in the country is the implementation of mandatory health insurance.

It was noted that the citizens who pay mandatory health insurance premiums will be insured, as a result they will not make any payment to the hospital for healthcare services included in the service package. The citizens who see specialist doctor without referral of primary care physician will be expected to pay certain amount of money as a deductible.

In the end, the Agency’s representatives answered the questions of citizens and pamphlets about mandatory health insurance were distributed to participants.

The next informative event is planned to take place in Gakh and Zagatala districts on August 6, 2019.

Earlier, similar awareness-raising events were held in Guba and Gusar districts on July 12-13, 2019.

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