28 December 2018 14:19

Changes made to the Law “On Health Insurance”

The changes to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On health Insurance” were approved in the plenary session of Milli Majlis held on December 28, 2018.

The Law stipulates that the package of services consists of basic and additional parts. The basic package of services includes primary health care services, emergency medical assistance service, while the additional part covers specialized medical care.

The package of mandatory health insurance services is the combination of medical services rendered to the insured persons in the relevant type, quantity and terms at the expense of means of mandatory medical insurance.

The citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, foreigners living in the Republic of Azerbaijan and having permanent or temporary residence permit, stateless persons are entitled to the basic package of services. The basic package of services is free of charge. The basic package premium for each year is 29 manat per capita which will be paid out of the state budget.

To get specialized healthcare services covered by the package of additional services it is necessary to pay mandatory medical insurance premium:

1.For Milli Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, persons appointed by the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive body, as well as persons elected to paid office and working on the basis of employment contract it is set at 2% of the estimated monthly salary bill – by the insurer and 2% of employee’s monthly wage – by insured person.

2. The annual fee is set at 120 manat for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the age of 18 in cases of non-employment on the basis of employment contract signed and entered into force pursuant to the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan or civil law contract pursuant to the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and not involved in entrepreneurial activity, the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the age of 23 receiving full-time vocational, secondary specialized or higher education , persons receiving any form of labour pension in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On labour pensions”, persons incapable of work entitled to social allowances pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the social allowances”, persons receiving targeted state social assistance pursuant to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the targeted social assistance”, pregnant women registered in the local polyclinics and women’s counseling centers, women on maternity leave taken after giving birth pursuant to the Labour Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, women who are on the partially paid leave pursuant to the Labour Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The annual premium for women on partially paid leave taken in accordance with the Labour Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan is fixed at 120 manat. The insurance premiums for aforementioned segment of population will be paid at the expense of the state budget.

3. 120 manat is fixed per annum for physical persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity and implementing works (services) on the basis of civil-law contracts. The insurance premiums will be paid at the expense of their own funds.

4. For the category of population not specified above (self-employed population) the insurance premium is set at 120 manat per annum. The insurance premiums will be paid at the expense of their own funds.

The law will come into force on January 1, 2020.

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