18 March 2022 16:01

In February 2022, 37% of medical services in Azerbaijan accounted for Baku

According to preliminary reports submitted to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) by medical entities where mandatory health insurance is applied, in Baku 288 444 citizens were provided with 1 058 355 medical services this February. Healthcare facilities received 514 896 requests for medical services within a month. This accounts for 37% of the total number of medical services registered across the country, and 38% of requests for medical services. According to requests for medical services made in Baku, 78% of medical services were provided on an outpatient basis and 22% on an inpatient basis.

Most medical visits to healthcare entities were related to medical examinations (including examinations of conscripts), circulatory systems diseases, respiratory system diseases, digestive problems, endocrine system diseases, metabolic and nutritional disorders, musculoskeletal system diseases, diseases of the connective tissue, urogenital issues, nervous system disease, diseases of the eye and auxiliary apparatus, obstetrics, and gynecology.

Here are other indicators of medical services provided to the population of Baku in February 2022:

The top ten healthcare entities providing the most outpatient services: Baku Main Health Center, Narimanov Medical Center, Republican Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirgasimov, Clinical Medical Center, City Clinical Hospital № 3, United City Hospital №  26, Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y. Farajova,  United City Hospital № 6 named after A.D. Melikov, Scientific-Research Institute of Cardiology named after J.M. Abdullayev and United City Hospital № 24.

The top ten healthcare entities providing the most inpatient services: Clinical Medical Center, Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y. Farajova, Republican Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirgasimov, City Clinical Hospital № 3, Narimanov Medical Center, Scientific Surgical Center named after M.A. Topchubashov, United City Hospital №  26, City Clinical Hospital №. 2 named after M.A. Afandiyev, United City Hospital № 6 named after A.D. Malikov and Republican Perinatal Center.

It should be noted that several medical entities were included in the top ten list of healthcare facilities providing both outpatient and inpatient services: They are Narimanov Medical Center, Republican Clinical Hospital named after academician M.A.Mirgasimov, Clinical Medical Center, City Clinical Hospital № 3, United City Hospital № 26, Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics named after K.Y. Farajova and United City Hospital № 6 named after A.D. Malikov.

From January to February of 2022, 458 754 persons in Baku were provided with 1 962 775 medical services based on 923 220 requests for medical services. This accounts for 37% of the total number of registered requests for medical services across the country, and 36% of all medical services provided in two months.

 According to the official information as of 01.01.2021, the population registered in Baku is estimated at 2 391 300 persons, while the population registered in all regions where mandatory health insurance is applied, amounts to 9 657 600 persons.

From January to February of 2022, 1 244 351 citizens were provided with 5 465 999 medical services. Therefore, 13% of population benefitted from mandatory health insurance during this period. Based on 2 507 890 requests, 82% of these services were provided on an outpatient basis, 18% on an inpatient basis.  Children constitute 27% of all those who received these medical services, while adults -73%.

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