07 February 2023 16:00

Last year, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance received 28,567 inquiries from citizens

During 2022, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) received 28,567 inquiries from citizens. Of these inquiries, 7,987 were directly addressed to the Agency. There were 20,580 inquiries sent to the Agency for consideration from relevant state authorities. The inquiries were mainly received from residents of the cities of Baku and Sumgayit and the regions of Sheki, Barda, Masalli, and Jalilabad.

Of the received inquiries, 14,062 were related to examination and treatment, 7,653 to disability issues, 3,262 to employment and labor relations, 1,383 to the provision of medicines and medical supplies, 562 to COVID-19, and 1,645 to other issues. All inquiries were considered in the manner and within the time period established in the legislation.

Last year, 22,027 inquiries were received by the Agency via social networks. These inquiries were mainly related to medical services provided under mandatory health insurance, the procedure of issuing referrals to private medical facilities contracted by the Agency, maternity services, and salary increases for secondary medical staff, among others.

It should be noted that citizens can apply to the Agency via the Agency's official website (https://its.gov.az). During last year, 12,642 applications were received via the Agency’s website.

In addition, 9,340 citizens were received by the management and officials of the Agency during this period. Of them, 358 residents of the city of Shirvan and the regions of Hajigabul, Guba, Gusar, Neftchala, Salyan, Balaken, Zagatala, Gakh, Goychay, Ujar, Zardab, Shamkir, Gadabey, Masalli, Yardimli, Bilasuvar, Barda, Tartar, Agjabadi, Agdam, Lachin, Shamakhi, Gobustan, and Agsu were received by the Chairman of the Board of the Agency. Their inquiries were mainly related to the provision of medicines, coverage of medical expenses, disability confirmation, examination and treatment, surgical operations, employment, issuing of referrals, etc. The inquiries of the citizens were responded to in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and the necessary instructions were given to settle the problems. It should be noted that the citizens were received in accordance with the rules and requirements of the special quarantine regime applied in the country.

On-site receptions of citizens were organized according to the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, in accordance with the policy "Schedule of meetings to be held with citizens in cities and districts by the heads of the central executive authorities and other administrative authorities."

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