20 April 2022 17:08

NGOs to participate in awareness raising campaign about mandatory health insurance

The Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan invites NGOs to participate in the “Small grant competition for 2022”. This year grant proposals are received on 7 topics.

Commenting on the news, the Head of Marketing and Public Relations Department of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance Aynura Ahmadova said that at the initiative of the Agency, the topic on protecting public health entitled “Informing the public about mandatory health insurance” was also included in this year’s grant competition.

A.Ahmadova added that it’s desirable for NGOs to raise awareness about mandatory health insurance mainly in public places: “In order to cover all groups of population it’s recommended to arrange broadcasting of informative videos and audio announcements in large shopping malls with  advertising  displays, ticket offices and waiting areas of railway stations, post offices, buses, underground and railway carriages, cinema theaters and other venues, as well as to ensure targeted delivery of informative materials and to organize other measures on such topics”.

The maximum limit to be allocated per proposal is 10 000 manats. The NGOs that have been registered after January 1, 2021, may submit proposals with a budget not exceeding 5000 manats.

The projects must be implemented within 3 months before December 1, 2022.

Competition rules:

Project proposals must be submitted electronically from April 13, 2022, till May 05, 2022, 18:00 p.m.

Detailed information about grant competition can be found here.

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