16 March 2022 16:27

Nigar Bayramova attended the webinar organized by the WHO

The Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance Nigar Bayramova attended the webinar on the topic “Social health protection and health financing reforms in countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: Knowledge exchange and regional perspectives”.

Delivering an online presentation N.Bayramova spoke about works carried out with regard to the introduction of mandatory health insurance in the country:

“Introduction of mandatory health insurance in Azerbaijan and increasing access to healthcare services is an integral part of the national health reforms. A good example of this is that 1 billion 789 million manats were allocated from the state budget for healthcare expenditures this year. 1 billion 126 million manats of this amount related to allocations for mandatory health insurance coverage of population at the expense of state budget and financing several state programs and measures in health sector.”

N. Bayramova highlighted the achievements and difficulties arising from the introduction of a new health care financing model and shared her recommendations with the webinar participants. At the end of the presentation N.Bayramova answered the questions of webinar participants.

The event participants commended the coverage of all citizens in Azerbaijan under mandatory health insurance irrespective of their employment status and payment of insurance premiums.

The webinar was organized by the Global Network for Health Financing (P4H), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The panelists from three CIS countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan) participated in the webinar. More than 300 participants from different countries joined the virtual panel discussions as attendees.

The purpose of the event is to allow countries to share their experience and achievements in public health protection and health financing with other countries and increase knowledge in this area.

The P4H Network is a global network dedicated to social health protection and health financing for universal health coverage (UHC). The Network facilitates policy dialogue and technical collaboration informed by insights that help effect action. The Network established in 2007 during the G8 Summit in Germany supports the UHC and other health-related targets of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Today P4H works across more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

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